报 告 人:Enrico Boasso 教授
工作单位:Buenos Aires University
报告人简介:Enrico Boasso studied Mathematics at Buenos Aires University (Faculty of Exact and Natural Sciences) and he obtained a MSc in Mathematics and a Ph. D. in Mathematics at the aforementioned University. He worked as Teaching Assistant, Lecturer and Professor at the Faculty of Exact and Natural Sciences (Buenos Aires University) and as Researcher at CONICET (Buenos Aires).
报告简介:Several properties of the inverse along an element are studied in the context of
unitary rings. New characterizations of the existence of this inverse are proved. Moreover, the set
of all invertible elements along a fixed element is fully described. Furthermore, commuting inverses along an element are characterized. The special cases of the group inverse, the (generalized) Drazin inverse and the Moore-Penrose inverse (in rings with involutions) are also considered.